Saturday, September 11

NC State Dog Olympics

Today NC State Vet School held it's dog olympics and had their first paralympics for dogs.  Carl of course was the largest dog there and couldn't really participate as his cart was bigger than the obstacles.  Next year apparently there will be a "big dog" class and already the gauntlet has been thrown down.  I have been told that there is a female in a cart who will "whoop Carl's ass" ... I don't think so!


Here is video from today - yes, Carl is in it ....

Friday, September 3

Standing More ...

Carl's response to rehab has been variable.  Some days he does well, others it is as we are back at day one.  Today I finally got to see how much progress we have made.

Carl remains paralyzed and has no motor or deep pain, but his strength has increased to the point where he can stand and stay upright for almost a minute.  Not a great feat for some, but it really helps when expressing his bladder and putting on his diaper.