Wednesday, February 23

It's Been a While .....

Wow, how time has flown, it has been over a year since I adopted Carl. Carl remains crazy as ever, always on the go, keeping me on my toes.

Living with a paralyzed dog has been challenging. The first few weeks I had Carl I wondered if I would be able to cope. I did and diapers, carts etc are now second nature. I remember reading that paralyzed dogs often had problems with recurrent urinary tract infections. Initially Carl had no problems so I thought others were wrong. Turns out I was. In November Carl got a UTI and we are still working to try to clear it up. As with many infections, as time has gone by it has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Now there are only a couple of medications that we can use ... I worry that we may get to a point where there is nothing.

Mobility has also proved a challenge. Carl came with a K9 cart and I had a Doggon cart that I modified. Carl has managed to break both of them - there just doesn't seem to be a cart that is robust enough for active, large breed dogs.

There is a cart company I'd not heard about - Dwanecarts that I am looking into. I am concerned that it may be a cart that tips easily, but it is so much cheaper than other carts and if Carl is going to keep breaking them cheap is good!